Canada's #1 Job
Board in Trucking

Simple for job seekers. Effective for employers.

Simplify your job search and hiring process.

Driverlink is Canada’s #1 online job board in trucking.

It is the one-stop shop for all types of jobs within the trucking industry. Plus, Driverlink has the most drivers and owner-operators looking for local, long haul driving, regional or cross-border work.

Get started quickly.

Find your next job fast and with ease.

Completely free to join, there are hundreds of job seekers who complete their profiles every month.

Over 26,000 transportation professionals have used Driverlink to find meaningful employment since 2001.

Get the free mobile app from your app store.

Ready to hire.

Employers – No other Canadian platform can offer what Driverlink does!

Post your openings on Driverlink and have them viewed by qualified transportation professionals looking to secure the positions that are trucking industry specific.

Plus, add more to your company profile, or use our Featured Employer section to stand out from the rest and let candidates see you.


What users say about Driverlink.

— Driverlink’s set up was fantastic. We secured two drivers.


Waddell Transport

— I posted my resume on and the next morning I got a bunch of calls from employers... I can't believe how quickly I was able to find a new job. The Driverlink site works great!


Driverlink Job Seeker

Actual customer testimonials. Photos are illustrative only.

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